Activity is picking up across the board in Alert Level 3, but still well below pre-lockdown levels.
The full dashboard is here.
Electricity use is back to normal, but that may have been boosted by cold weather.
Internet use suggests people are still working from home. Confirmed by traffic volumes at around half the normal levels.
Job ad listings and views are climbing back towards normal. There have now been nearly 40,000 job losses since mid-March - there were around 80,000 job losses in the entire recession a decade ago.
We are tracking a lot of different data. Below is a weekly summary since Feb.
Sources: OxCGRT : Hale, Thomas, Sam Webster, Anna Petherick, Toby Phillips, and Beatriz Kira (2020). Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, Blavatnik School of Government; Electronic card spend: Treasury charts of DataVentures; Job ads listed & Viewed: Trade Me; Traffic: Tom Tom; Electricity Use: Electricity Authority; Internet: Chorus; Number of flights: flightradar24; MSD: Covid-19 reporting; Apple Mobility; Google Mobility.